First Call Agreement Saving Schools Money on Supply

First Call Agreement

Make us your first call to receive amazing service and access to our partner offers

Protocol Education's First Call Agreement

Protocol Education can help you meet the full range of your flexible staffing needs throughout the year. Our team is on hand to meet your needs quickly and accurately, providing local educators to meet the needs of your pupils.

  • Achieving best value – we will guarantee a preferential daily rate for educators in return for being your first call

  • Safe Supply Staff - Local teachers, tutors and TAs rigorously checked to help you stay fully staffed and safe through the year

  • Building a talent pool – From identifying preferred supply staff to helping your school recruit ECTs and graduates, Protocol Education can change the way you think about staffing

  • Tuition Specialists - As an NTP Tuition Partner you can obtain part-funded tuition from our pool of trained tutors
    from us

  • Supporting the whole pupil – Access to staff skilled in working with anxiety and behaviour management

The Value of a Flexible Workforce

Protocol Education gives you access to the largest possible pool of fully cleared, experienced teaching and support staff. If you are unsure of exactly what your exact staffing requirements are going to be when you reopen, speak to your consultant and they will be able to suggest solutions, and have suitable educators on standby for you, just in case.

Our Partner Offers

Singing a First Call Agreement with Protocol Education gives you access to more than all of the teaching and support staff you need at a guaranteed low rate. As part of the Supporting Education group our sister companies are pleased to be able to give you access to this range of offers.

School Business Services

10% off the popular online budgeting tools available from SBS (School Business Services) - helping school leaders plan financially for the unexpected. This offer runs until 30th September 2020

Judicium Education

15% off the Judicium HR Advisory Service helps schools comply with the legal requirements in dealing with any workplace employment law and HR-related issues. This offer runs until 30th September 2020.

Best Practice Network

FREE access to TWO excellent online CPD modules from Best Practice Network. Any member of staff at your school can benefit. The available modules are Pedagogy and Practice and Understanding SEND.

The Thrive Approach

10% off of the list price of the open-access training for individual staff members


15% off premium school account from EdPlace

Strictly Education

50% discount on an annual subscription to Education HR Online

Request details of your school's preferential daily rate